T-Shirt Magazine is a very useful blog that defines itself as a online magazine then a blog. It has very cool articles and interviews that are interesting to read. This one happened to be an interesting article and some of the items listed on how to make money is possible and others are a bit harder to get done, but can be achieved. Here is a snippet from the article on the ten things you can do to make money as an artist.
1. Build a Portfolio with the type of work that you wish you were paid to do.2. Submit Your Work in Art Exhibits-You will have the opportunity to showcase your work to a large audience and someone might buy your art.
-If the gallery is in a very affluent neighborhood, they’ll pay you big bucks.
3. Enter Art Contests-You have the chance to rake in some serious cash. Some contests pay winners anywhere from $100-$10,000.
-Even if you don’t win, at least you had the chance to perfect your skill and build your portfolio.
-When you see who the winners are, observe their style and technique. If all of the winners have the same things in common, you should adopt those elements into your own art, so you can win the next contest.
4. Have Your Work Published-This not only exposes your work to the world, it also builds your credibility. People will think, “If this artist’s work is in a magazine, they must be good!”
5. Build a Website (If you don’t have one, you don’t exist)
-Register your domain name on a site like GoDaddy.
-Display your best artwork.
-Show a list of clients you worked for and include pictures of the work you did for them (Can someone say “Social Proof?”).
-Write tutorials on what you do. This establishes you as an authority in your field."
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